Moon hike

(singing) “wheeeen the moon / hits your eye / like a big / pizza piiiii…”

moonHike2016webOh! Hello. Welcome.

When you are experiencing life, do random songs play in your head, accompanying various moments?  Couldn’t get this one out of my head during a recent moonlight hike with a group of fellow mountaineers.

Navigating the dirt path, donning headlamps and trekking poles, underfoot transitioned from sloshy and muddy to sweeping sounds of dried leaves and pines.  In the distance beyond the path’s escarpment, the moon nuzzled the tops of pine trees.

(whistling) “stars shining bright above you  / night breezes seem to whisper ‘I love you’ / birds singing in the sycamore trees…”

Feeling enchanted, I grabbed a sprig of pines from a nearby branch, squished them, and inhaled the fragrance. Even Yankee Candle scents are unmatched by this scintillating aroma in its natural perfection.

Towards the end of this excursion, our group arrived at an open landscape.  Studying the constellations, we were accompanied by a barred owl.

Ever hear the difference between a barred owl and a barn owl?  It’s like Lady Gaga (barred owl) vs. Rosanne Barr (barn owl) singing our National Anthem.

What songs got stuck in YOUR head today?

Love The Nuggets from Heaven

A couple nights ago, I woke up around 3:30 a.m and could not fall back to sleep.  So I went outside to soak in the bright moonlight that flooded the earth.  “Thank you Lord for painting this beautiful scenery.”  Yeah, that wasn’t enough. I was so full of glory, I started singing the Prayer of St. Francis hymn (read lyrics here….  Neighbors did not complain, but if their windows were open, they heard me.

The next afternoon, I was at the library…. just happened to grab a book about St. Francis.  I never knew he was wealthy in his youth. I also didn’t know he partied like a rock star in young adulthood.  Yup. He gave it all away and decided to lead a simple life with limited resources in order to follow the Lord. People in town knew he was spiritual, but sometimes they felt he got out of hand….. FOR EXAMPLE…..

One night, St. Francis was so moved by the beauty of the bright moon, that he ran to the clock tower in town, and screamed, “Wake up everybody! And look at the moon!!!!”


I love it when God gives me these coincidental experiences.  Now, I’m no St. Francis, but I sure can relate with how he felt on that moonlit night!

Angelic Music

The Buckley Chamber Players held a free concert recently.  The trio consisted of a pianist, cellist, and violinist.  Within minutes there were tears in my eyes.

The sounds of a live performance wrap me up like the pleasant smoky scent of a camp fire. (Probably have to be Canadian to appreciate this sentiment.)

Symphonic/chamber music is not just for the elderly.  Attend a local performance and see how you feel afterwards.  You might surprise yourself.

Special Moms

Adulthood causes you to reflect on the behavior of those who raised you.  No one is immune.

The older I get, the more respect I have for my mother.  I’ve been selfish in some aspects of my life.  My mom on the other hand is someone who seeks to help others.  She’s the one spending time with the sick, making meals for large family gatherings, and praying for everyone.

To show honor to my mom for her selfless ways, I will continue my efforts to help others.

Thanks, Mom!


Surround yourself with good people

“Surround yourself with good people”

The past few weeks were a journey that began with a moment I never expected to face… separation.  Bad choices made our home toxic.  It had to happen.  The first thing I realized was the peacefulness and calmness of the new situation.  The next thing I observed was… I had surrounded myself with good people.

This was advice given me ten years ago.

Many circles have come forward to surround me in friendship during this difficult time.

Mission accomplished.

Precious Moments

I was sitting watching the Bruins blow it and had in mind to go into my son’s room, grab a notebook and pencil, sat on his bed. While he played video games, I created a mad lib. “Give me a noun.” “Give me a verb.” “Okay, now give me two adjectives.” He figured out what I was doing, turned off his computer monitor, and we played mad libs for an hour.